Thursday, January 3, 2013


Health is a journey.  And like any journey there are good days and bad days along the way.  Today was a bad day.  Although I had every intention to go to the gym, it did not work out.  I organized my schedule around it, I put my gym clothes on, feed the kids and left home with enough time to run all my errands and then hit the gym but unfortunately it did not happen.  My 3:30 appointment ran 45 minutes late.  By the time we were done, the kids were tired and hungry so there was no way they would cooperate at the gym.  Usually, I try to exercise at home when I cannot get to the gym but by the time we got home, the kids were too exhausted to let me workout.  When they finally fell asleep, I was too tired to move.

I will not let this setback interfere with my new set goal.  Tomorrow is another day and we will try again to get to the gym.  Letting a snag in my plan put me down will only lead to defeat.  I intend to complete this journey and reach my fitness goal.  Tomorrow will be here soon, tomorrow I will do better.

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